Flows ยป

The Flows Node is designed identically to its counterpart in the Estimation tree. Please see the corresponding help document.

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Specify Composition


This view is designed identically to its counterpart in the Estimation tree. Please see the corresponding help document.


This view is designed identically to its counterpart in the Estimation tree. Please see the corresponding help document.

Specify Composition

This view is designed identically to its counterpart in the Estimation tree. Please see the corresponding help document.

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Flow Specification

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Open Solver

Flow Specification

This action allows to change the option in the Specification column for the Inflows or Outflows defined. For each flow, one of the following two options can be selected:
  • Design Variable: REX optimizes the flowrate between the entered bounds in Case Design → Design Values node.
  • Float for Pressure Control: This option will be available only when Pressure is set as Controlled or Fixed to Setpoint in the Reactor Node. When this option is selected, REX calculates the flowrate in order to keep the pressure controlled to the setpoint.

Note: When the pressure is defined as Controlled, Constant or Fixed to Setpoint, one and only one flow must be defined as Float for Pressure Control.

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See Also: